Take a journey with us, if you will, back in time to see how one of the most important cities in the world has evolved. Evan Joseph, one of New York's leading photographers of architecture, had previously given as an incredible birds eye view of New York City at night by precariously dangling out of a tiny helicopter. He's now back with a new book called New York Then and Now. Not yet released to the public, this is your sneak peek.
Out December 3, the book shows how Joseph is still pushing himself, creativity and technically, by meticulously setting up shots to match ones taken in the previous century. Every image in the book was shot from the exact same angle as the historic image it is being compared to. Also, Joseph would go so far as to wait several hours until he could match the lighting.
Comparing the old and new photos is a wonderful way to experience the beauty of diversity of New York. Not only do we get to see how iconic places like Wall Street, Grand Central, and Union Square have changed, we're presented with a visual story that tells us that while New York's massive skyscrapers have come and gone, the dynamic and energetic feel of the city will live on forever.

Grand Central, 1941 vs Now

Union Square North, 1903 vs Now

Union Square North, 1903 vs Now

Columbus Circle, 1912 vs Now

New York Stock Exchange, 1921 vs Now

The Highline, 1950 vs Now

Brooklyn Bridge, 1905 vs Now

East Midtown Skyline (Chrysler Building), 1930 vs Now

World Trade Center, 1976 vs Now

Tip of Manhattan, 1935 vs Now