Two of my very good friends are getting married in April of 2013, so we decided to host an engagement party to celebrate. Bree and I both went to Alabama together, but it wasn't until she moved to DC for a job that we met and became friends (and roommates for a year). Brian is also a good friend of mine, and I forgive him for choosing to be a Florida Gator instead of having the good sense to be a Georgia Bulldog; he is from Atlanta, after all.

I do have to tell one of my favorite stories about this couple... back in the summer of 2009, Bree and Brian had been dating for quite a few months. We went to a party and were having all sorts of a good time. Bree looked at Brian and said, out of the blue, "I think this may be our last hurrah." Bree thought she was being humorous, Brian did not see the humor. I told Brian that I'd give him a ride home; unbeknownst to him, I also told Bree that I'd give her a ride home (to our house), so I somehow got them both in the car at the same time, forcing them to speak to each other. Halfway home, at Dupont Circle, I also told them I wasn't moving the car until they performed a Chinese fire drill. I like to think that the combination of ridiculousness and my stubbornness kept them together that night. Wink wink.
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